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2025 Best of the Net Nominees

By: Iris Cai, Felix Chen, Jessica Wang

Join us in congratulating Eucalyptus Lit's 2025 Best of the Net nominees! These ten authors' works resonated with us deeply, and their words struck us as exceptional in so many ways. We're honored to have been able to share their art with all of you.


"The Ruin in Your Mind" — DeeSoul Carson

"Hungry Lions" — Elisabeth Weiss

"Garden of the Son" — Gavin Garza

"3.5 Months" — Jean Mikhail

"Mudslide" — John Dorroh

"Hunting for Daddy's Girls" — Vanessa Niu


"Sources of Outlaw Country" — David Wesley Williams

"An Alaskan Sundae" — David Vonderheide

Creative Nonfiction:

"Italian Rain" — Jacqueline Goyette

"Euphemisms for the Hunt" — Jessie Leitzel

Our editor team wishes them the best of luck in the selection process!


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